The purpose of this essay is to investigate Julia Kristeva’s abject theory in relation to three works of Cindy Sherman: Untitled, # 156, Untitled, # 190 and Untitled, # 191, created between 1985 and 1989. In my attempt to reach a thorough understanding of each area, I begin by examining them separately. Subsequently I will try to connect them in an interpretation lead by the following questions: In what way can Kristeva’s theory of the abject and abjection be applied and tested in the works of Cindy Sherman? Where in each respective work can the abject and/or abjection be found? Does the theory fit better on any of the pictures than on the others? By using the hermeneutics method of a continually re-interpreting theorized by Hans-Georg Gadamer, I was eventually able to trace the abject in each picture – all of them embodied on different terms and in different ways.



Om några timmar är den inskickad, här har ni en abstract på vad jag har skrivit om under våren.


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